Dodging Bullets at Crystal Falls

I’m certainly not the most professional of hiking enthusiasts. I’ve encountered bears, been enveloped by fog at altitude and lost the trail, and fallen down a (fortunately, small) waterfall – but none of those happenings were as frightening as the time I heard unexpected gunfire nearby. It was early January 2014 and I was nearing […]

Escaping Havana

No, I don’t mean going on a day trip out of the city to explore Cuba’s beautiful landscapes and caves, which is a must for any visitor to this country. In 2016 over 56,000 Cubans entered the United States,1 leaving their own country behind for economic and political reasons. Although travelling to Ecuador, Colombia, or […]

Nik’s Mencap Ride for Wellbeing

“I, Albert Henry Kinsman, was born in 1916 in London, England… one of my big achievements was, when I was 14, I had a friend… we decided to cycle to Scotland, from London, for adventure.” At 4:00 AM on August 28th, I will embark on the greatest fitness challenge of my life: I will cycle […]

Hello, World!

Why Start a Travel Blog in 2017? It is a great tragedy that so much of our human experience goes untold, unrecorded, confined to ever-flawed memories that fade with age like paintings in sunlight. Don’t you agree? I think that writing about your life is one of the most accessible and effective methods of counteracting […]